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Dr. Howuk Kim

Phone +1-82-32-860-7317
Office   2N381
반명함 수정.png



Ph.D., North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA


MS, Inha University, Incheon, Rep. of Korea


BS, Inha University, Incheon, Rep. of Korea

Professional Career


Process Engineer, Applied Materials, Inc., USA


Asst. Research Professor, NC State Univ., USA


Postdoc Resaercher, NC State Univ., USA


Hyundai Kefico Co., Hyundai Kefico Co., Korea

Dr. Kim’s long-term goal is to create new and unique innovations in the area of applied acoustics and to bring these advances into the classroom. He is currently working as a Asssitant Professor at A2SP Lab, Inha University. His broad research interests involve high temperature piezoelectric sensors, ultrasonic wave propagation, SHM/NDT technique, biomedical ultrasound transducers, and sound/noise control. 


In his research, Dr. Kim looks for graduate students with a multi-disciplinary background. He trains his students to methodically solve challenging technical problems and his students are drawn to Dr. Kim’s research, in large part, because his research involves making advancements to multi-disciplinary problems that are both challenging and of high societal impact.

At the undergraduate level, Dr. Kim teaches Dynamics I and Theory of Vibrations (MEG2160 and MEG3263). In these courses, students learn the fundamental theories regarding dynamic mechanical structures. These classes are crucial for students to analyze dynamic motions of actual mechanical structures, and it provides the fundamental knowledge for the following advanced courses such as Automovie NVH and Fundamentals of Acoustics.  

Outside of work, Dr. Kim enjoys travel and chatting with students and friends.

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